Licania incana Aubl.

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    Licania incana Aubl.

New York UuUmcaI Gardcu	U&s$«U Muguir«, 194
British Guiana Forest Department- New York Botanical Garden
I’lniits ot' tin: Knieteur 1’Iatcou, British Gui*!)*
No. *¿266
Licania incana Aubl.
Occasional; 9hrubby, 1 m. high, shoot9 tron.
shrubs killed by fir« in open satranne;
f'laacous beneathj fls. creamy.
JSa&sbtt MaOUjre
D. ». F*^»awr_to y Q, 19H
t'yjiffliUoiijfimititvd in jntrt Ip aid from lh* ¿tmcrieun Phtiyrvphical
Soei«l»/, the John Gu^mA'ini Memorial Foundation
and Mr. Fie™ Jay