Gilia cana subsp. triceps (Brand) A.D.Grant & V.E.Grant
Filed As
Gilia cana subsp. triceps (Brand) A.D.Grant & V.E.Grant -
A. A. Heller 8309, 22 May 1906
United States of America. California. Inyo Co. Near Laws.
Phenology of specimen: Flower.
NY Barcode: 00963878
Occurrence ID: 47c30126-b5df-4dff-9d6c-53c6cc638398
All Determinations
Gilia cana subsp. triceps (Brand) A.D.Grant & V.E.Grant
North America
United States of America
Inyo Co.
Near Laws
Gilia cana (Jones) Gilia latifiora var. cana Joses, Cont, West, Bot, 8: 35, 1898. No. 8309, collected May 22, between Laws, Inyo county, and the base of the White mountains. Not uncommon in sand and gravel, the plants scattered. A specimen has been sent to* Mr. Jones for comparison, but he does not have time at present to look into the matter: The leaves are “permanently white woolly,” but not “densely” so. ’The character “flowers longer and paler” than in C ÉatâÈ$a is very indefinite, for we have nothing in literature whicfi ^indicates the size of the flowers in the type of that species. It was practically a nomen nudum until the Synoptical Florà was issued, and the description there ’does not mend matters much, for it is made to include several forms, distitict enough in the field, and never growing near each other so far as I have obserVed. Jones’ plant is evidently dis- tinct^ even if it is not the same as ours, which may be charac- terized as follows: Annual, varying in height from 1 to 2 dm., branched from the base, the spread often equaling the height^ somewhat woolly below, and sometimes more or less glandular: leaves thin, mostly basal, oblong, 4 cm. long or less, maximum width about 1 cm., pinnatifid or variously sharply eut and lobed, the divisions acute and spinescent, woolly but the greén color not obscured, or some plants nearly smooth; upper leaves When present small and bract Itke, or some on the middle part of the stem with one or two short lobes: pedicels slender, almost filiform, 2 cm. long or less, glandular above: calyx narrowly campanulate, 3 mm. long, 2mm. Wide, glandular, green except 'the narrow scarious intercostal spaces, the short, lanceolate lobes awn pointed: corollas about Ï5mm. long, 10 or 12 mm. wide when fully expanded, the slen- der tube proper 1 mm. across, 6 to 8 mm. long, purple, the fun- nelform throat yellow at base, dark violet-purple above, merging i into the pale violet-purple of the lobes, which are broadly ob- ovate, 5 mm. long and about as wide, the rounded apex tipped with a short broad point: stamens a îittle exserted from the throat, the anthers purplish or bluish: styles commonly almost as long as the corollas, the slender liftear stigmas 2 or 3 mm. long, downeurved. This is distinct from any of the vaïrous forms of G. latiftora known to me, and if it should prove different from the type of G. cana, a name will be supplied later. PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA Inyo County 8309 GIUA CAN A (Jones) Heller Near Laws A. A. Heller, Collector M»y 1906 00963878
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Gilia cana subsp. triceps (Brand) A.D.Grant & V.E.Grant