Chaetomorpha minima Collins & Herv.
Filed As
Chaetomorpha minima Collins & Herv. ( type ) -
A. B. Hervey s.n., Mar 1914
Bermuda. Harrington Sound, on Cladophora, Lyngbia etc.
On Cladophora, Lyngbya etc. On Cladophora, Lyngbya etc. On Cladophora, Lyngbya etc.
Specimen Notes
Accidentally incorporated in MPN, returned from loan on 03 Jan 2008.
NY Barcode: 00967608
Occurrence ID: 85222eda-01c4-4559-9748-63b10deafa56
Phycotheca Boreali-Americana, a collection of dried specimens of the Algae of North America
Exsiccatae Number: 2007
All Determinations
Chaetomorpha minima Collins & Herv.
Chaetomorpha sphacelariae Foslie det H. K. Phinney, Mar 1946
Type Details
North America
Harrington Sound, on Cladophora, Lyngbia etc.
32.3376, -64.7294
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Harrington Sound. Measured from coordinates to farthest extent of the sound to find linear extent (2380 m). Input information into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncertainty radius (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
- —— NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 00967607 i Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. x. ( Collins, Holden and Setchell. Algae of Bermuda. 2007. Chaetomorpha minima Collins & Hervey ms. On Cladophora, Lyngbya etc., Harrington Sound, March, BA CO LU MSlA 1914. THC the yc BY N. L A. B. HERVEY. Vov- OUti^oï Chaetomorpha mimima sp. nov.Collins & Eervey.proc Acad.Arts & Sci.53:41.Au 1917. Pl.l.f.5-7. Am. P.B.-A.fHo. 2007. Filamentis, disco affixis;cylindricis vel plus minus ve clavatis ,10-20 p. diam.,ad nodos interdum constrietis;cellulis 2-4 diam. longis, membrana crassa distincte laminata; zoosporis (?) in quavis cellula formatis, per foramine laterale liberatis. r Filaments attached by a disk, cylindrical or more or less davate ,10-20 )i diam.,nodes sometimes constricted; cells 2-4 diam. long, wall distinctly laminate; zoospores (?) formed in any cell,escaping by a lateral opening in the wall, On fronds of Sodium, Cladophora etc. served characters similar to pre- The smallest species yet known in this genus; c. californica Collins, P.B.-A.,ITo.664 was the smallest heretofore known in the attached state,and its filaments average about twice the diameter of the present species; as regards length, the contrast is even more striking, as in 0.californica the fronds reach a length of a decimeter, while in C.minima 5 mm. is the longest observed. It was first found growing on the rounded ends of the utricles of Codium tomentosum, sometimes singly,sometimes many individu- als close together, Being quite imperceptible to the eye, it was noticed only in the examination of the Codium material in formalin, so that nothing can be said as to the of the supposed zoospores; everything was however the formation and emission of zoospores in the larger and better known species of Qhaetomorpha. Emptied cells were common, sometimes every cell of a filament being fertile, even the basal cell; in one instance a filament consisted of a single cell]which had emptied itself through the Small round lateral" opening. In the form of the cells, thick laminate wall, dense chromatophore with many pyrenoids, the plant is a microscopic copy of forms like C.Linum. Rather curiously,it is the only attached form we find in the islands. The type is in the Collins herbarium. Vor Determined by Harry K. Phinney '^^rTùaì COLUMBI; ^LVERStTV; Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Collins, Holden and Setchell. Algae of Bermuda. 2007. Ghaetomorpha minima Collins & Hervey ms. On Cladophora, Lyngbya etc., Harrington Sound, March, 1914. A. B. HERVEY. ü B JUL 0 1 6 7 8 9 10 The New York copyright reserved botanical Garden riF.y!/.y?.?.l5..B9TANICAL garden 00967608 00967607 00967608
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Chaetomorpha minima Collins & Herv.