Cenostigma bracteosum (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis
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Cenostigma bracteosum (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis -
G. Eiten 3935 with Liene T. Eiten, 29 Mar 1962
Brazil. Maranhão. Loreto Mun. "Ilha de Balsas" region between the Rios Balsas and Parnaíba. A few hundred meters east of the place called "Picada", about 40 km S of Lorêto. Ravine of the creek, "Riacho da Picada", a few meters deep and ca. 20 m. wide.
Chapada [See label for further habitat description.].
Viney shrub overhanging undercut creek bank. [See label for further plant description.]. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
NY Barcode: 00959700
Occurrence ID: 2fecd9ea-5fed-49b8-97de-d2c529ea49f5
All Determinations
Cenostigma bracteosum (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis, 2016
Note: Accepted name, Gagnon et al. 2016. Generic syst. Caesalpinia. PhytoKeys 71: 1-160Caesalpinia bracteosa Tul. det A. D. de Andrade-Lima, 1993
, 1983
Caesalpinia bracteosa Tul. det G. P. Lewis
South America
Loreto Mun.
"Ilha de Balsas" region between the Rios Balsas and Parnaíba. A few hundred meters east of the place called "Picada", about 40 km S of Lorêto. Ravine of the creek, "Riacho da Picada", a few meters deep and ca. 20 m. wide
Alt. 250 m. (820 ft.)
-7.43, -45.12
Confirmant G.P. Lewis 1993 i /-cd?, NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 00959700 Flor» of Br« sdì STATE OF MARANHÏO im A-/ Municipio de Loreto: "Ilha de Balsas” region, between the Balsas &3*mafba Rivers* A few hundred meters east of the plaee called "Pleads? «boat 4,0 km south of LORETO. Ca. 7®26fS. 4.5 #7* Alt. ca. 250 m. 29 March 1962 This habitat* ravine of the creek, "Riacho da Picad«", a few meters deep and ca. 20 a. wide* MaiTi vegetation types of region: (1> “chapada”, a semi-closed tree woodland (dr “cerrad&o”) on flat tops & steep sides of plateaus, ea ateep»hilly lnwd, and on ypiP areas'of rolling or flat dry land; (2) “tabulelro”, a semi-closed woodland, or “cerradfio”, of different physiognomy & species composition, on tops of billy or gently rolling land; (3) “mata”, a closed tropical forest of many tree species, usually with palms, In flat stream Talleys and In or alongside of brook ravines & courses: (4) “caatlnga”, a* semi-open forest of few forest tree species on low moist flat land and In narrow valleys between “tabuleiro”-covered Mils; (5) - “var- jfto” low moist flat land with scattered forest trees of one or a few species; (6) "oocal”, thick groves of baba$u palm on flat river plain of Bio Paraalba and ¿»in» or its tributary streamsJv/!A&4vegetatlon types completely deciduous during dry All brooks Intermittent. Annual ground fire* and cattle grazing In all areas. Part of "tabulelro” cut over, forming treeless grassy areas; most "mata” ft"«* much "caatlnga” & “varj&o” cultivated or abandoned, forming dense secondary vegetation of low trees & tall shrubs (“capoeira”); some areas of “chapada" with dense secondary vegetation (“carrasco”). Upland soils grayish, tan or light reddish brown silt or silty day, very stony on slopes; lowland soils mostly reddish brown to black silt loam, silty clay loam or day loam, without stones. Country rock horizontal light brown sandstone, exposed only on tops of jnorros and on cliffs along, the Bio Pamaiba. _____ _______|9| This n»s viney shrub overhanging undercat creek bank* Sepals greenish-brown 5 petals golden-yellow, lower lip with red spots? filaments yellow, anthers brown; style & stigma light green* n.v. "pan de rato* leg* George Eiten & Liene T. Eiten, no. 3935 Distributed by the Institute de Bet&nica, Sfio Paulo 00959700
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Cenostigma bracteosum (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P.Lewis