Brosimum guianense (Aubl.) Huber

Revision of Neotropical Bros^eae
Brosimum goianense (Aublet) Hu er
Det. C. C. Berg
Utrecht, t #'***' \9f»>
I Ulil
New York Botanical Gardeu Tropical Expedition -1944
(A**- l'lants uf Tafclbcrj? (Tolde Mountain), Surinam
Ko. 2li356
Brosliannt sui.anense (Aubl.) Huber
£<st. Paul C. Standlcy“, 19^6
Infrequent; small tree to ? m. highs
lew forest, 1 hit. s. of Savanna So, 1,
5?0 id. alt.
Bassett Maguihr
KzptiMon J\n<\nctd an pari by aid from thé Amtrieao Phiiosophical
Society, tht John Siitui» QuççenheÎM Mtm&rlal Foundation
und Mr, Pierre Juy
copyright reserved botanical garden