Stegolepis ferruginea Baker

Sfcgoicpis ferrugìnea Uakcr f.
Dei. C.L. KellolT, XI 2002
GUYANA. Poi«ro-Si]iariinl Region. Mt. Ayanganiw, cast tVioc,camp
ubov« lirst of foitr esearpmetus. Elevation: 1070 m 5*20* I9"N
Dense forest on sundsioue and pea«, with Inga, Sloanca and
Rapai«. Tcrrcurial and vpipliytic herb; infloctfsccncc orange. Voucher
far DNA sample
It.D. Clarke 9071	!2Jucic200)
Willi. R. William*, C. Pcrr>, E. Tnpp & J. Kelly
Snnlli^uniaii Biologkul Diversity ofthe Guimiiis Progni in
U.S. National Herbarium (US)