Stegolepis angustata Gleason

Siegoftfpis angmtaHi Gleason
Del. C.L Kclfcofr, 2003
GUYANA. Cuyuni-Maaaruni Region Imbaimadai vicmiij. Pjnar^
Rivet. 0.7 miles Notih of Puriang River base camp. £fvvau*orr 5 ( i m
5Bi2'l2"N 60®16'36.I"W Scrub I orc»t. Wluic suml and sandstone
Xeric condilions. Greet herb Very slimy Infloresccnce terminal.
>,cl1ovv Surrounding jtca was burnt within ihc past ntanih
K.M ftcddcn 3 202	20 November 2002
With: C. Perry & 1;. Forbes