Eriocaulon melanocephalum Kunth

  • Filed As

    Eriocaulon melanocephalum Kunth

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 926905

    Occurrence ID: da2d6fa1-0bd4-42ee-b6c1-e76059652e9b

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Evtocouton iiiciniiocepiutlui» KuiHli
Del C.L. KctlolT. 2003
GUYANA. Poiaro-Siparum Region. Kaicteur Falls, between ihc falls and
Kaiclvur summit. Elevation: 550 m. 5°1 l'0"N mww. Foresi, 10-15
(•25) m, with little strati Acati on. Few lianas, soil very poor, while sand
and bcd*rocks Crowing in shaded black-waicr stream in for«».
L.P. Kvisl US	7 Ocioixr tW
With* X. Londofio, O.C. Sieelc & S.Tiwari