Chamaecrista claussenii var. cyclophylla (H.S.Irwin & Barneby) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Filed As

    Chamaecrista claussenii var. cyclophylla (H.S.Irwin & Barneby) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Collector(s)

    W. R. Anderson 7890 with M. T. Kalin Arroyo, S. R. Hill, R. Reis dos Santos, and R. Souza, 24 Mar 1973

  • Location

    Brazil. Goiás. São João d'Aliança Mun. 4 km by road E of São João da Aliança. Serra Geral do Paraná.

  • Habitat

    Open, rocky cerrado traversed by stream. Cerrado.

  • Description

    Shrub 1.5 m tall; old fruit only. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 00958973

    Occurrence ID: 742f78f7-5035-4f37-ac6f-6ba14a113f07

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    São João d'Aliança Mun.

  • Locality

    4 km by road E of São João da Aliança. Serra Geral do Paraná.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1000 m. (3281 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -14.7, -47.4973

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Online gazetteer. No road heading east appears on IBGE map. Coordinate calculated for a point directly east of S. J. da Aliança.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New York Botanical Garden
Revision of Cassia, Sect. Abstu
Cassia clausseni Benth. var. cyclophylla
Irwin & Bameby
H. S. Irwin & R. c. Barneby	197U
Chamaecrista claussenii var. cyclophylla
(H.S. Irwin & Bameby) H.S. Irwin &
Collected for The New York Botanical Garden by W. R. Anderson,
M. T. Kalin Arroyo, S. R. H1U, R. Reis dos Santos, and R. Souza
Estado de Goi¿s
Serra Geral do Paraná
Cassia clausscni Bentham var. cyclophylla
‘	' Irwin & Barneby
km by road. E of Sao Joaio da Alianqa; elev.
ca. 1000 m; open, rocky cerrado traversed
by stream.
Shrub 1.5 na tall; old. fruit only; cerrado.
William. R. Anderson 789O_2k- March 1973
Field work supported in part by funds from the National Science Foundation
and . conducted with the collaboration of the Universidade de Brasilia and the
Institute de Pcaquiaaa e Experiment» 5&0 Agricola do Norte.