Calothrix evanescens N.L.Gardner
Filed As
Calothrix evanescens N.L.Gardner ( paratype ) -
J. N. F. Wille 411, 13 Jan 1915
Puerto Rico. Coamo Springs, on a wall at the entrance to the baths.
On a wall at the entrance to the baths. On a wall at the entrance to the baths.
Specimen Notes
Mounted with the type Wille 1776 a (barcode 00937726).
NY Barcode: 00937727
Occurrence ID: 0bda2bfe-f4ce-4162-8e67-fda27fc0ea14
All Determinations
Calothrix evanescens N.L.Gardner
Calothrix parietina (Naeg.) Thur. det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: (TYPE of C. evanescens Gardn.)Schizothrix calcicola (C.Agardh) Gomont det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: with -
Type Details
paratype of Calothrix evanescens N.L.Gardner
West Indies
Puerto Rico
Coamo Springs, on a wall at the entrance to the baths
18.0372, -66.3736
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coord. of geogr. center of Coamo Thermal Hot Springs. Meas. from coord. to farthest extent of the springs to find linear ext. (143 m). Input info. into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncert. radius (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN YORT< DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND ^nTANlCAL FRESH-WATER ALGAE OF PORTO RICO ^ „ nD EH COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WILLE Coamo Springs January >^/jTi9i5 No. 7^// Q~ku^az^u^•&*££* stcfc s&^ NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 00937727 NEW YORK botanical garden THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND FRESHWATER ALGAE OF PORTO RICO COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WILLE Jayuya March 15, 1915 No ¥* VX. <) Tïwa. (V“$0 TV. ISTI new york botanical garden 00937726 Determined by Francis Drouet CoX&jLfs*f p^vs*3Ui^ TU**. It ypt c. ÜAT^rJdokví ,J wXL. ¿ Üv-^íU^v^ C^.)Vrow. ^ Determined by Francis Drouet vYbtyfi. /XfVVwVlM {Av //;. i/k- fuUáut r nu, /^.j «.y i ^ >* Is- a o o E o o NEW YORit i3 oTANicAÍj O <Min% 22 Calothcix evairescens sp. nov. Plate 13, figure 22 Filaments erect or prostrate, straight or curved, rigid, 200- - 300 ¡j long, 7-8 n diam.; trichomes cylindrical from the basal heterocyst throughout the larger portion of the length, then apering to a very narrow, short hair, constricted at the dissep- iments, 5.5-6.S m diam.; cells cylindrical to dolioform, quadrate to one-third the diameter long, mostly homogeneous, pale aeru- ginous to yellowish or honey-color, mostly showing a clear cen- tral area; cross-walls relatively thick and conspicuous; apical . cell blunt and rounded, becoming conical in the young stage of growth; the apical portion soon prolonged into a short hair; heterocysts single, basal, spherical to subspherical, same diam- eter as the tricliome; sheath thin, firm, smooth, homogeneous, hyaline, vanishing at about half way from the base to the apex. Growing in water among other Myxophyceae and debris, Jayuya, no. 1776 a, type; on a wall, Coamo Springs, no. 411. In certain stages in the life cycle of this species it resembles the genus Microchciete. The hair dies back, the apical portion becomes dolioform, the terminal cell enlarges and becomes rounded, and a sheath is secreted. The whole trichome is then cylindrical with but a single basal heterocyst. When growth begins at the apex, the diameter begins to diminish, the apical cell becomes conical, and finally a short hyaline hair is produced. It is a very distinct species, related in some of its characters to C. linearis. 22. Calothrix evanescens Two typical young filaments.... ... x 500 it //.* ’ • ^ ì ft\/ Í i i < K
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Calothrix evanescens N.L.Gardner