Mimosa exalbescens Barneby
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Mimosa exalbescens Barneby -
G. Eiten 4861 with Liene T. Eiten, 15 Jun 1962
Brazil. Maranhão. Lorêto Mun. "Ilha de Balsas" region, between the Rios Balsas and Parnaíba. About 25-30 km south of Lorêto. At place called "Sao Joao do Baixo", several km north of Faz. Lagoa. Along trail from Faz. Aldeia to Faz. Morros.
Secondary growth in cut-over [See label for further habitat description.].
Shrub with several ascending stems to 3½ m tall, trunks to 7 cm. DBH. Almost ripe frt. is green, ripe fruit is brown. All specimens of this number from one plant. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
NY Barcode: 00933339
Occurrence ID: 1ab97fe4-9675-47ac-9418-2a8ca857ca0b
All Determinations
Mimosa exalbescens Barneby det R. C. Barneby
Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) Kuntze det H. S. Irwin, 1966
South America
Lorêto Mun.
"Ilha de Balsas" region, between the Rios Balsas and Parnaíba. About 25-30 km south of Lorêto. At place called "Sao Joao do Baixo", several km north of Faz. Lagoa. Along trail from Faz. Aldeia to Faz. Morros
-7.28, -45.07
XH. A)rtj* ttJrj FLORA OF BRAZIL ** * STATE OF MARANHAO - ' ? ? ' - IS - ^ >* ' *S* Mimosa binaacronata (DC*) Xuntze Sett S. S. Trwin, 1966 Municipio de Lorêto: “Hha de Balsas” region, between the Rios Balsas and Pamaiba. About 2*>—302ttsouth of LORÊTO. J°17 ’s> At place called "Sao J»a# do Balxon, several km. north of Fas. Lagoa. 'Main vegetation types of region: (1) “chapada”, a semi-closed tree woodland (or “cerradâo") on flat tops & steep sides of plateaus, w ?*>»> Mlly hind, and on some areas of rolling or flat dry land; (2) * “tabulelro”, a semi-closed woodland, or "cerrad&o”, of different physiognomy êc species composition, on tops of hilly or gently rolling land; (3) “mata”, a closed tropical forest of many tree speeles, usually with palms, in flat stream valleys and in or alongside of brook ravines & courses; (4) “caatinga”, a semi-open forest of few forest tree species oxi low moist flat innrt and in narrow valleys between “tabuleiro”-covered hills; (5) “var- j&o”, low moist flat land with scattered forest trees of one or a few species; (6) “cocal”, thick groves of babaçu palm on flat river plain of Bio Pamaiba and some of Its tributary streams ftlUjvegetatlon types completely deciduous during dry season. All brooks intermittent?. Annual ground fires and cattle grazing In all areas. Part' of “tabulelro” cut over, forming treeless grassy areas; most “mata” and much "caatinga” & “varjfto” cultivated or abandoned, forming dense secondary vegetation of low trees & tall shrubs (“capoelra”); some areas of “chapada” with dense secondary vegetation (“carrasco”). Upland soils grayish, ton or light reddish brown silt or silty clay, very stony on slopes; lowland soils mostly reddish brown to black silt loam, silty clay loam or elay loam, without stones Country rock horizontal light brown sandstone, exposed only on tops of morros and on cliffs along the Bio Pamaiba. This habitat: along trail from Paz. Aide la to Paz. Morroâ. Secondary growth In cut-over, arboreal “caatinga*; thick with 2~h m. tall "alagadiça* shrubs. 15 June 1962 Shrub with several ascending stems to 3 1/2 m. tall, trunks to 7 cm. d. b. h.. .Almost ripe frt. is green, ripe fruit, is brown, n.v. "alagadiça" leg. George Eiten and Liene T. Eiten, no. 48 ol (All specimens of this number from one plant.) Distributed by the Instituto de Botânica, S&o Paulo .*• 00933339
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Mimosa exalbescens Barneby