Bryopsis rhizophora M.Howe
Filed As
Bryopsis rhizophora M.Howe ( isotype ) -
R. E. Coker 77, 12 Feb 1907
Peru. region of Ancón, Pescadores Islands, abundant on rocks.
abundant on rocks. abundant. rocks.
Specimen Notes
Mounted with the B/W photo of the type, published on Plate 6, figure A.
NY Barcode: 00937657
Occurrence ID: f3b0122a-0c81-4d36-8eef-4bf1828616cf
All Determinations
Type Details
isotype of Bryopsis rhizophora M.Howe
South America
region of Ancón, Pescadores Islands, abundant on rocks
> LXsyvu. / 3, Y, Plate 7. Bryopsis rhizophora 1. A single plant, natural size. 2 and 3. Apical parts of pinnae (branches of the first order). 4. Apical portion of main axis. 5. Base of plant. 6. Branches of the second order, with short rhizoidal processes at base. 7-9. Bases of branches of the first order, 2-3 cm. above the base of the plant, showing elongate rhizoidal processes. 10-13. Branches showing sporangium-like malformations, apparently due to an endophyte, perhaps a Chytridiaceous fungus. Figures 2-4 are enlarged 28 diameters; 5~9> 13 diameters; 10-13. 32 diameters. Bryopsis rhizophora sp. nov. Suberect, densely cespitose, irregularly branched, dark green, dull (not nitent), 3-5 cm. high, from a matted base of branching rhizoids; stipe 1-2 cm. long, mostly 300-650 n in diameter; main axis percurrent, of about twice the diameter of the principal branches; branches of two or sometimes three orders, opposite, alternate, or irregularly few-ranked, subdistichous, subsecund, or very irregularly grouped; branches of the first order fastigiate, with long naked bases and subplumose or somewhat fasciculate- racemose apices, or sparingly long-branched below, each of the older (up to within 5-10 mm. of apex of main axis) bearing at its base one or two finally much elongate and often furcate decurrent or squarrose-recurved rhizoidal processes, of nearly equal diameter, often giving the branch the appearance of being laterally adnate; lower branches of the second order subfiliform, suberect or patent, often curved, simple or subplumose-ramulose at apex, commonly with a short decurrent rhizoidal process at base; apical ramuli (branches of second or third order) erect or erecto-patent, long- cylindric or subclavate, mostly 0.3-1.5 mm. long, 65-110 n in diameter, lightly constricted at the base, the axis excurrent; older ultimate ramuli becoming gametangia with little change in form; scars from delapsed gametangia or ramuli wanting or very rare. [Plate 6, figure A: plate 7.1 Bryopsis 39 “Abundant on rocks,” Pescadores Islands, region of Ancon, Feb. 12, 1907, Coker 77 (type) and 80 p.p. THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN MARINE ALGAE OF PERU, COLLECTED BY ROBERT E. COKER Plate 6, figure A. Bryopsis rhizophora Photograph of a dried specimen (Coker 77), natural size. 2 "ö 0) CO .C U) nmm . > a o o THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN MARINE ALGAE OF PERU, COLLECTED BY ROBERT E. COKE^ BOTAN / t*u. 'fjy, ***. 7*? >f E o o TYPE OF: Vl .A. \h;~Th-£ AlG*A£ oT Tteyi • ^CT. WH. _V^. Xav;^ A0(0 lodz 00937657
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Bryopsis rhizophora M.Howe