Valonia ocellata M.Howe
Filed As
Valonia ocellata M.Howe ( holotype ) -
M. A. Howe 5090, 25 Nov 1907
Bahamas. Watling Island, in the lagoon.
in a lagoon.
Specimen Notes
NY Barcode: 00937651
Occurrence ID: 574fe39c-ce58-41be-9914-93f9db381eec
All Determinations
Type Details
holotype of Valonia ocellata M.Howe
West Indies
Watling Island, in the lagoon
24.0639, -74.5326
Georeferencing Method
Estimated using locality data.
s Ü, cr < O o CD * CL O > £ LO co N CO O) O O THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN North American Marine Algae '^SO No IJA. ____0 f/J. ^K/ fly (¿? / /— oL0 rW • ^ ' Collected in the lagoon, Watling Island, by Marshall A. Howe, November 25, 1907. -wuiXtA^Asb ^ £(rr->u^£c~+i, 4; Valonia ocelláta M. A. Howe, sp. nov. Plants for the most part filamentous, densely cespitóse or crustaceorts, the ? cushions, under favorable conditions becoming 10-20 cm. broad and 4-6 cm. thick; the superior or dorsal parts consisting of small few-celled discs, or more often, oblong or linear, irregular, multicellular filaments mostly 1-4 cells broad, the cells polyhedral or augulate-subglobose, 0.45—0.9 mm. in maximum diameter, with numerous small flattened ellipsoidal or lentiform cells 50-90 y- in long diameter along their separating walls; few or many of the ventral and lateral cells of the superior or dorsal facetted parts growing out into rather rigid descending stilt-like or root-like non-septate processes, mostly 5-30 mm. long and 0.5-0.S mm. in diameter; occasional cells in dorsal parts enclosing few or- numerous aplanespores 200-3^0 y. in diameter. In shallow water in lagoons, on pneumntophores of .4 vicennia between the tide-, lines, and low-littoral on rocks, both in exposed and sheltered locations, common. New Providence, Bimini, Watling's Island, Atwood (‘ay, Mariguana, and Caicos Islands:—Bermuda, Porto Rico, and American Virgin Islands. Type. Howe 5090 frpxn-the great lake or lagoon of Watling's Island, Nov. 25, ID'IT. A Valonia ocellata is perhaps related to Mctyoxphaeria ralonioides Zanard . which Hauck believed to be a condition of Valonia 111 acrophysa, but manifestly differs in . its smaller cells, in never being hollow, and rarely, if ever, globose, and in the absence of large vesicular marginal cells. Specimens from Bermuda and the West Indies have sometimes been referred to Valonia utricnlarin forma cruntaca Kuck., from which it differs in having its superior parts divided by cross-walls iitto more or less, polyhedral or angulate-subglobose cells instead of consisting of interwoven and ctftfipacted clávate or obovoid cells. The plant bears some resemblance to young stages of species of Dictyoftphaeria but the small-celled or faceted parts are usually elongate, vittate, or irregularly discoid, very rarely subgloboseA It occurs in great abundance in lagoons, often associated with Valonia Aegayropila and remaining per- fectly distinct. It is found in a greater variety of habitats and it evidently deserves a distinctive specific name, at least until such time as cultures may prove it to be capable of assuming the characters of some previously described species. — ó~óió IUOLOtYPE OF: Won;A OOtiLATtx IH: ^ Vhu-^?AO£H . I °dO . ^. G02>. _Ve?v. X/MEvl QoRK£30 ¿oft & CL 00937651
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Valonia ocellata M.Howe