Myrionema foecundum f. divergens Setch. & N.L.Gardner

  • Filed As

    Myrionema foecundum f. divergens Setch. & N.L.Gardner ( isotype )

  • Collector(s)

    N. L. Gardner 4511, Dec [no year]

  • Location

    United States of America. California. Pacific Grove.

  • Notes (shown on label)

    Algae distributed from the Herbarium of the University of California

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 00937451

    Occurrence ID: 9bd6f971-9be9-458b-9e82-327fb6bc0982

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Pacific Grove

  • Coordinates

    36.6184, -121.922

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Pacific Grove. Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the city to find linear extent (2730 m). Input info. into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncert. rad. (Bounded Area).

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New york

C ?' RD "N Al£ae distributed from the Herbarium of the

University of California

Wyrioneraa foecundum f. divergens
S. and G.

Pacific Grav3, California

N» L. Gardner, IJo« 4511» Co-type



LClSViSt~' Ccu¿i

Se.&c/i e//~

Myrionema foecundum f. divergens S. and G. 'p / j f-1 3 V

Fig. 8. Sections taken from four different places in the frond. X 125.
Fig. 9. A segment of the base at the margin of the frond. X 250.

10. Myrionema foecundum f. divergens S. and G.

Plate 55, figs. 8, 9	^

Fronds forming circular cushions, 1.5-3.5 mm. diam. ; basal por-
tion composed of regularly radiating filaments closely compacted,
firmly adhering to each other and to the host; sterile erect filaments
sparse, unbranched, blunt, scattered promiscuously among the game-
tangia, 300-400/a long; true hairs absent; “ascocysts” numerous,
scattered among and shorter than the gametangia, cylindrical to
clavate ; cells of the creeping filaments 5-6fi diam., 1.5-2 times as


University of California Publications in Botany [Vol. 8

long; cells of the erect filaments 8—9/x diam., 1.5-3 times as long,
cylindrical, not constricted; zoosporangia unknown; gametangia
variable in shape, cylindrical, clindrico-conical or fusiform, 50-60/*
long, 7.5-8.5¡x broad; loculi 1-2-seriate.

Growing on the sporophylls of Nereocystis Luetkeana, Pacific
Grove, California.

Setchell and Gardner, Phyc. Cont. II, 1922, p. 338, pi. 34, figs. 8, 9.

This form of M. foecundum manifests some slight differentiations
not present in any other form of the species. Scattered promiscuously
over the fronds are erect filaments two to three times as long as the
gametangia. The “ascocysts” are abundant. Some irregularities
are also shown in the creeping filaments. Typically the branching
seems to take place by the splitting of the apical cell, but it seems
that frequently one of the dichotomy fails to develop till later, pro-
ducing the appearance of lateral branching. There is also an occa-
sional oblique or longitudinal division of a cell of the creeping fila-
ments perpendicular to the host.

0 1


6 7 8 9 10 L XT v

The New York
copyright reserved botanical Garden

Myrionema foecundum f. divergens Setchell & Gardner, forma no?
Univ. Calif.Publ.3ot .7 :338. pi.34. f.8-9. 10 LIy 1922.

Frondibus pulvinu^os orbiculares, 1.5-3.5 mm. diam.
formantibug; parte basali filament is dense compactis,
conjunctim et ad superficiem hospitis arete adhaerente;-
filamentis sterilibus erectis exigiis, eramosis, obtusis,
promisque inter gametangiis sparsis, 300-400 p. longis;
pilis veris deuntibus; "ascocystis ” numerosis, inter,
et brevioribus quam, gametangiis, sparsis, cylindricis
usque ad clavatis; cellulis filament.orum repentium 5-6 yi
diam., 1.5-2-plo longioribus; cellulis filamentorum erect-
orum 8-9 p. diam.,1.5-3-plo longioribus, cylindricis, non
constrict'is, zoosnorangiis ignotis; gametangiis forma
variabilibus, cylindricis, cylindro-conicis usque ad fusi-
formibus, 50-60 ji longis, 7.5-8.5 u latis; loculis 1-2

Growing on the sporophylls of Nereocystis

Pacific Grove
Univ. Calif.,

no. 207024)

Type, Gardner,


4511 (Herb.

This form of M. foecundum manifests some slight differ-
entiations not present in any other form of the species.
Scattered promiscuously over the frond are erect filaments
two to three times as long as the gametangia. The ” ascocysts"
are abundant. Some irregularities are also 3hown in the creep-
ing filaments. Typically the branching seems to take place
by the splitting of the apical cell, but it seems that frequent-
ly one of the dichotomy fails to develop till later, producing
the appearance of lateral branching. There is also an occasion-
al oblique or longitudinal division of a cell of the creeping