R. C. McGregor

  • Name

    Richard C. McGregor

  • Dates

    1871 - 1936

  • Specialities

    Algae, Bryophytes, Mycology, Spermatophytes, Lichens

  • Roles


  • Movement Details

    Alaska, Philippines, Guam

  • Notes

    Collector Notes: Mariana Islands (GUam): 1911 Mindoro (1905): Mount Halcon (March-May); Bohol (Jun, 1906); Batan, Sabtan, Babuyan, Camiguin, Y'Ami (all in 1907 with Eugenio Fénix); Luzon (1909): Mount Pulog, Island of Pulilo; in subsequent years in Luzon, Nueva Vizcaya Province and Ifugao subprovince (1912 or 1913); Isl. Biliran (1913 or 1914); Luzon, Laguna Prov. (1915); Panay (1918); Samar (1924); Palawan (1925)

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections