M.-F. Prévost

  • Name

    Marie-Francoise Prévost

  • Dates

    1941 - 29 Jan 2013

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    French Guiana

  • Notes

    Collector Notes: CAY.

    From email from Sophie Gonzalez, herb. CAY, 2 Feb 2013:

    Dear colleagues,

    We regret to inform you that Marie-Françoise Prévost (1941-2013), known by most of her friends and colleagues as "Fanchon" passed away on January 31st, at the Hospital in Cayenne. Two days before, she suffered a stroke while working at the Herbarium of French Guiana, and was identifying plant specimens until shortly before.

    Fanchon retired in 2006 after many years working at the IRD (ex ORSTOM), first in Ivory Coast, then in French Guiana since the late 70s. An outstanding botanist, she was appreciated and esteemed by many specialists of the Neotropical flora. She favored informal relations with her expert colleagues and often provided invaluable help by sharing precious information and identifying innumerous plants. As a token of appreciation of the role she played, many plant species have been named after her. One of the 21 architectural growth models of tropical trees described by Hallé and Oldeman in 1970 also bears her name.

    Her successful career greatly benefited from her sharp mind and keen sense of observation which she devoted to the study of tropical vegetation, which she generously shared with her colleagues and the students she helped to train. She diligently avoided honors and any kind of formal ceremonies throughout her professional life. Passionate in her work, tireless in the field and the laboratory alike, she played a major role in many research domains. In forest ecology, she initiated with Daniel Sabatier the program of work currently developed at AMAP Research Unit on tropical tree diversity in French Guiana. She contributed greatly to medicinal plant studies, as it is testified by her involvement in the latest edition of the book "Pharmacopées traditionnelles en Guyane" published in 2004.

    Lately, her age started to take its toll and she rarely went to the field, but, after retiring, she remained very active and worked intensively at the Cayenne herbarium.

    We have lost a valuable colleague and a true friend.

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections