J. P. P. Carauta

  • Name

    Jorge P. P. Carauta

  • Dates

    1930 -

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details


  • Notes

    Author Notes: RB
    Determiner Notes: Moraceae
    Collector Notes: Brazil: GUA (orig.), NY
    Reference: Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Isotype (NY bar code 25251) Dorstenia amazonica Carauta, Valente & O. M. Barth; Authors of Plant Names; 1992, p. 102 & Index Herbariorum; 8th ed., p. 52; Index Herbariorum, ed. 8; NY barcode 95166; NY Barcode Number 798335

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections