J. Lhotsky

  • Name

    Johann (Jan) Lhotsky

  • Dates

    1800 - 1860

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Author, Collector

  • Movement Details

    Brazil, Austria, Australia, Hungary

  • Notes

    Collector Notes: 1830-31, Bahia; 1831-32, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais

    From Wikipedia, consulted 1 Oct 2014:
    John Lhotsky (1795–1866) was a Galicia-born Austrian naturalist, lecturer, artist and author. He wrote and published on the topics of zoology, botany, geology, geography and politics. Lhotsky was active in the early colonies of New South Wales and Tasmania from 1832 until 1838. During his sojourn in Australia, Lhotsky described himself, and was known as, Polish.[2]

    Lhotsky, whose first name is also given as Joannes Lhotsky, Johann Lhotsky and Jan Lhotsky, was born in Lemberg, Galicia, Austrian Empire (now Lviv, Ukraine), the son of Joseph Lhotsky. He moved to Vienna in 1812 and was awarded his doctorate from the University of Jena. He became a member of the Bavarian Botanical Society during this period. In 1819 he published a botanical work Flora Conchica, and other papers for scientific journals, however, his political writing led to a prison sentence of six years. He was released in 1828.[1]
    Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 2, (MUP), 1967:

    John Lhotsky (1795?-1866?), naturalist, was born probably in 1795 in Lemberg (Lwów), Galicia. He was educated in Prague and Berlin, and joined the Bavarian Botanical Society and became a doctor of medicine in Vienna. The King of Bavaria bestowed a grant to assist his botanical and zoological research in South America and Australia, and after eighteen months in Brazil he arrived in Sydney in 1832.....In April 1838 he sailed for London in the Emu (a ship).

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections