I. Urban

  • Name

    Ignatz Urban

  • Dates

    7 Jan 1848 - 7 Jan 1931

  • Specialities

    Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes

  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    Germany, United States of America

  • Notes

    Author Notes: Flora of the West Indies
    Reference: Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Authors of Plant Names 1992; Bulbostylis juncoides, NY barcode 569129; Cytostoma pterocalyx Sprague ex Urb.; Dipholis pallens Pierre & Urb. (NY 99899); lectotype of Bunchosia emarginata var. martinicensis (barcode 55507); Maytenus microphylla Urb., Ekman & Loes.; Miconia viscudula Urb. & Cogn.; Myrica shaferi Urb. & Britton, (NY 73366); NY barcode #00079876; NY barcode 617570; Pedinopetalum domingense Urb. & H. Wolff; Phoradendron barahonae Urb. & Trel. (NY 73544); Rhacoma shaferi Britton & Urb. (NY 83839); Symbolae Antillarum 5:505. 1908; Thibaudia krugii Urb. & Hoerold, Holotype NY bar-code 10501; Thouinia domingensis Urb. & Radlk.

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections