H. F. Pittier

  • Name

    Henri François Pittier

  • Dates

    13 Aug 1857 - 1950

  • Specialities

    Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes, Bryophytes, Lichens

  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama Canal Zone (now country Panama), Chile

  • Notes

    Collector Notes: Central and South America. Pittier did not collect with Th. A. Durand. Pittier did send plants to Durand for identification, and so on many labels of Pittier's Costa Rica plants Durand's name is mentioned also.
    Author Notes: Herbarium and types: BR, CR, US, VEN; duplicates widely distributed

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections