E. L. Ekman

  • Name

    Erik L. Ekman

  • Dates

    1883 - 1931

  • Specialities

    Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes, Fungi

  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, United States of America

  • Notes

    Collections: Missiones (Argentina, 190X): NY, S. Cuba (1914-1924; Dates on these labels in the form of DD.MM.YYYY): NY, S (original set), US Haiti (1914, 1924-1928): NY, S (original set), US Dominican Republic (mostly 1928-1931): NY, S (original set), US He collected for S in all of his non-Sweden expeditions
    Author Notes: Arkiv. Bot. 22A: 22. 1929
    Author Notes: Poaceae names from Caribbean
    Reference: Allophylus haitiensis Radlk. & Ekman (NY 84059); Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Authors of Plant Names; Cyathea hotteana C. Chr. & Rkman (NY 127011); Cyclopogon laxiflorus Ekman & Mansf.; Cyperus planifolius var. navassanus Ekman & Kk. (NY bar-code 232993); Dryopteris nigricans Ekman & C. Chr. (NY 127135); Euchorium cubense Ekman & Radlk.; Gossypianthus heterophyllus Ekman & Suess. (NY 73685); Ilex impressa Loes. & Ekman; Index Herbariorum - Collectors E-H; Jimenez. 1985. Colectores de Plantas de la Hispaniola; isotype of Comocladia mollifolia (see NY ID # 50758); Lantana cifferiana Ekman & Moldenke (NY 99872); Malpighia velutina Ekman & Nied. (NY 214666); Man. Grasses W.I. 295. 1936.; Maytenus microphylla Urb., Ekman & Loes.; NY bar code 32251 (Aristida calcicola Hitchc. & Ekman); NY barcode 386046, Opuntia acaulis; Pisonia discolor L. var. carnosa Ekman & Heimerl; Solanum dendroicum O. E. Schulz & Ekman (NY 111365); Ternstroemia selleana Ekman & O. C. Schmidt; type of Bunchosia hotteana (barcode 55509)

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections