E. Hall

  • Name

    Elihu Hall

  • Dates

    4 Jun 1822 - 24 Sep 1882

  • Specialities

    Algae, Bryophytes, Lichens, Spermatophytes

  • Roles

    Author, Collector, Determiner

  • Movement Details

    United States of America, Texas, Oregon, Illinois, Colorado, Rocky Mountains (USA), American Plains

  • Notes

    Author Notes: American botanist at Athens, Illinois; botanical explorer of the Rocky Mountains with C. C. Parry and J. P. Harbour; on eof the organizers of the Illinois Natural History Society at Bloomington (1858); F; duplicates widely distributed.
    Collector Notes: Illinois (1861): NY Oregon (1871): NY Texas (1872): NY On his own printed blank labels. Collected with Warne.
    His main herbarium (ca. 10 000 specimens) ended up at F

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections