E. B. Copeland

  • Name

    Edwin B. Copeland

  • Dates

    1873 - 1964

  • Specialities

    Mycology, Pteridophytes, Orchidaceae

  • Roles

    Determiner, Collector, Author

  • Movement Details

    United States of America, California, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico

  • Notes

    Collections at B, BM, BO, CUP, F, G, GH, K, L, MICH (orig. pterid.), MO, NSW, NY, P, PNH, POM, S, SI, SING, UC, US.
    Collected in California (1929): these collections at NY.
    Herbarium and types: MICH, duplicates at SACT, UC.

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections