E. L. Greene

  • Name

    Edward L. Greene

  • Dates

    1843 - 1915

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    United States of America, Mexico, Canada, Colorado, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho

  • Notes

    Author Notes: in Man. Bot. San. Franc. Bay
    Author Notes: Muhlenbergia 6:17. 1910
    Author Notes: Published in: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21(10): 450. 1894
    Collector Notes: ND-G; see Crovello, Taxon 19: 67. 1970 on computerization of the Greene herbarium. Baja California (Guadalupe Island, 1885) Manitoba (ca. 1890) Colorado (1896): NY California (Santa Cruz Is., Summer 1886): NY
    Reference: Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Authors of Plat Names. 1992; isotype of Lupinus elongatus (NYpc #15877); Mimulus remotifolius, Isotype NY bar-code 90770; MO Tropicos; NY barcode #00039620; NY barcode 172548, Arabis angulata; NY barcode 172625, Arabis purpurescens; NY barcode 185767, Thelypodium crispum; NY barcode 353098, Tissa pallida; NY barcode 604458; Penstemon laetus var. leptosepalus Greene ex A. Gray; Ptelea acutifolia, Fragment of Holotype NY bar-code 67104; TL-2 1: 995. 1979.

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections