D. B. Dunn

  • Name

    David B. Dunn

  • Dates

    1917 - 1994

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    United States of America, Mexico, Guatemala

  • Notes

    Author Notes: UMO; Lupinus
    Collector Notes: Home institution: UMO (orig. set).Many of his specimens do not mention his home institution. Colorado (1965): NY. UMO. Texas (1969): NY
    Reference: Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Authors of Plant Names 1992 pgs. 178,498; Authors of Plant Names 1992 pgs 498,178; Authors of Plant Names 1992 pgs. 506,178; isotype of Lupinus burkei Watson subsp. caeruleomontanus Dunn & Cox; Index Herbariorum, ed. 8; Isotype of Lupinus sericeus var maximus (NYpc #16011)

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections