W. B. Schofield

  • Name

    Wilfred B. Schofield

  • Dates

    1927 - 2008

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    United States of America, Canada, Alaska

  • Notes

    Collections: UBC; Alaska (1952): NY (on DAO label)
    From Flora of North America Newsletter 22(2): 25-26. 2008:

    Dr. Wilfred Schofield
    It is with great sadness that I report the death of
    Wilf Schofield, an emeritus professor in Botany at
    the University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
    Canada, who died of cancer
    on November 5, 2008. His
    death was very sudden and
    just a few months before he
    died he was on Umak Island,
    in the Aleutian Islands, doing
    one of the things he excelled at
    and loved to do the best, collect bryophytes.
    Meetings and Workshops
    5th Southwest Rare Plant Conference
    march 16–20, 2009
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
    For more information contact
    Mindy Wheeler wheelermindy@yahoo.com.
    Botany and Mycology 2009
    july 25–30, 2009
    Snowbird, Utah
    Joint meeting with the Mycological Society of
    America, ABLS, AFS, and ASPT.Flora of North America Newsletter 22 (2), July – December 2008
    Wilf was born in Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
    on July 19, 1927. He decided he wanted to become a
    school teacher so he attended Acadia University in
    Wolfville, Nova Scotia (1946–50) where he graduated
    with his B.A. degree. John S. Erskine, a botanist who
    collected many Nova Scotia records, was on staff at
    Acadia University and this was no doubt where Wilf
    started his interest in bryophytes. Wilf then did some
    internships and residencies, obtaining his Teacher’s
    License at Normal College, Nova Scotia in 1951.
    However, after doing some teaching in Nova Scotia
    his passion for the bryophytes helped him decide to
    go on to graduate school, so he attended Stanford
    University (1954–56) where the well known bryologist William C. Steere was Dean. After receiving his
    M.A. degree (Dissertation: “The Relationships and
    Geographic Distribution of Canadian and Alaskan
    species of Hypnum”) he attended Duke University
    (1957–60) where he studied ecology under H.J.
    Oosting, obtaining his Ph.D. degree (Dissertation:
    “The Ecotone between Spruce-Fir and Deciduous
    Forest in the Great Smoky Mountains”). The same
    year after graduation in 1960 he obtained a position
    in the faculty of the Botany Department at the
    University of British Columbia where he eventually
    became Professor in Botany in 1971, remaining there
    until he retired to an Emeritus Professor position in
    1992 until his death.
    Wilf was an excellent teacher and well liked by
    his numerous students throughout his teaching career.
    He had several graduate students, including two
    Ph.D. graduates that are presently scheduled to
    publish genera in Volume 28 (Bryophytes: Mosses,
    part 2) in the Flora of North America series.
    He has over 100 publications, mostly on bryophytes, but also some on vascular plants. He was
    the author of chapters in several botanical books, as
    well as the sole author of three books, the most
    distinguished one being, “Introduction to Bryology”
    published in 1985 (revised in 2001), which was the
    first comprehensive textbook in bryology. The book
    received many awards from several organizations,
    among them the Association of American Publishers
    and the Canadian Botanical Association.
    Wilf was known as one of the best collectors in
    North America. He collected almost 129,000 plants
    and lichens, with roughly 90% of them being bryophytes. Most of his bryophytes were collected in
    Canada, many on the Queen Charlotte Islands off the
    coast of British Columbia. He traveled extensively to
    numerous places around the world often collecting
    during his travels. Among the places where he traveled
    were Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Japan,
    Europe and Hawaii. However, recent collecting for
    the past 15 years of his life was in the Aleutian Islands
    with Stephen Talbot (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
    Anchorage, Alaska) and his wife, Sandy (U.S.
    Geological Survey, Anchorage). As a result of all of
    his collecting, several plants were named in his honor:
    one genus and seven species of mosses, one genus and
    one species of liverworts, two lichen species and one
    vascular plant species. With his numerous collections
    and those from other institutions with which he
    exchanged specimens, the Bryophyte Herbarium of
    the University of British Columbia has become the
    largest in Canada and one of the largest in the world.
    Professionally, he was the Vice-President (1965–67)
    and President (1967–69) of the American Bryological
    and Lichenological Society, Director of the Canadian
    Botanical Association (1970–72), along with other
    duties in a number of other societies. He held many
    Bryophyte Workshops in several places in North
    America and he was an invited lecturer numerous
    times in many places throughout the world.
    His most recent publications have been with the
    bryophyte (moss) volumes of the Flora of North
    America. He was the author or coauthor of treatments
    of five families and six genera in volume 27, part 1,
    and he will be the author or coauthor of treatments of
    one family and 5 genera in volume 28, part 2 when it
    is published. In addition, he will be author of three
    families and three genera in volume 29 (hepatics and
    hornworts) when it is published in the near future.
    His research accomplishments, especially on his
    specialty the family Hypnaceae (Musci), and his professional services are immense. There will be a more
    complete obituary on Wilf published early this year in
    the journal, The Bryologist.Flora of North America Newsletter 22 (2), July – December 2008
    He was an extraordinary man with great accomplishments as a botanist, a true professional bryologist who was always willing to help anyone with their
    bryological problems, and a person who had very
    high human values. There is little doubt that he will
    be missed by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him personally.—Robert Ireland

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections