W. J. Eyerdam

  • Name

    Walter J. Eyerdam

  • Dates

    Nov 1892 - 31 Dec 1974

  • Specialities

    Algae, Bryophytes, Spermatophytes, Lichens

  • Roles

    Collector, Determiner

  • Movement Details

    Haiti, Russia, United States, California, Chile, Kanchatka, Alaska, Argentina

  • Notes

    Determiner Notes: Alaska (1940)
    Collector Notes: N. American West coast, Kammtchatka, W. Indies. Haiti (1927): NY

    From: http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/~ksc/Malacologists/EyerdamW.J.html (accessed 11 Feb 2014):

    Walter Jakob Eyerdam
    November 1892 - 31 December 1974
    (Photo taken 1955 - courtesy of the MCZ)
    Born: Seattle, Washington.

    Died: Seattle, Washington (aged 81).

    Occupation: Naturalist; Amateur Conchologist; Cooper. made barrels for Alakan whaling and herring stations.

    Education: Lincoln High School, 1911. Studied mining at the University of Washington, then three years as a prospector in California.

    Research Interests: Plants, birds, and shells.

    Travels: Alaska, first trip in 1917. Gathered plants, birds, and shells for 25 summers in Alaska. Visited and collected Siberia five times, including Lake Baikal. Haiti, 1927; Whitney South Sea Expedition (Solomon Islands), 1929; Chilie (plants) 1939, 1957, 1959.

    Collection Deposition: Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH).

    Data from: Abbott, R.T. (ed.). 1975. American Malacologists: A national register of professional and amateur malacologists and private shell collectors. 1975 Supplement. American Malacologists, Greenville, Delaware. Economy Printing, Easton, Maryland. 495-609. (pagination continued from first edition).

    Partial Bibliography:

    Eyerdam, W.J. 1938. A collection of freshwater shells from Kamchatka. Nautilus 52(2):56-59.
    Eyerdam, W.J. 1941. Lymnea auricularia Linnaeus in western Washington and Kamchatka. Nautilus 55(1):18-19

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections