T. J. Killeen

  • Name

    Timothy J. Killeen

  • Specialities

    Poaceae, Lichens

  • Roles

    Collector, Author, Determiner

  • Movement Details

    Bolivia, United States of America

  • Notes

    Collector Notes: MO
    Author Notes: MO
    From http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Timothy-Killeen/9614236 (accessed 6 March 2014):

    Dr. Timothy J. Killeen (t.killeen@conservation.org)
    FIELD OPERATIONS Team Leader, Ecologist, and Botanist
    Tim Killeen is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS) at Conservation International. He holds degrees in Biology, Genetics and Botany from St. Mary's University of Minnesota. He began his research in Bolivia as a graduate student at Iowa State University, and was later employed as an Assistant Curator of the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. He has lived in Bolivia and worked at the Noel Kempff Mercado Natural History Museum in Santa Cruz for most of the last eighteen years studying and researching conservation biology, botany, biodiversity patterns, paleocology, habitat mapping and modeling, information management, community based ecotourism (see http://www.sczbo.org), and land-use change in Bolivia's tropical forests and savannah ecosystems and has published numerous papers on his findings. In 1998 Tim was one of six researchers to receive the Biodiversity Leadership Award (http://www.bayandpaulfoundations.org/killeen1.htm). Tim was also a member of the first expedition to the Itturalde Crater (http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/bolivia/craternew/welcome.shtml) and on this expedition hopes to continue his studies of the forest and savannah ecotones, and to work with the indigenous Araona people. Tim is passing on his professional passions to the next generation; his son Peter and daughter Erin will accompany him on the expedition.

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections