S. Halloy

  • Name

    Stephan Halloy

  • Dates

    1953 -

  • Specialities


  • Roles

    Author, Collector

  • Movement Details

    Ecuador, Bolivia

  • Notes

    Not referenced at data migration-----------
    From http://www.complexsystems.net.au/index.php?page=profiles&profile=61 (accessed 17 Oct 2013):

    Dr Stephan Halloy

    Biodiversity scientist, Crop & Food Research. Lead research in biodiversity patterns and modelling; source and evaluate germplasm for diversification

    Address: Crop & Food Research
    Private Bag 50034,
    Mossgiel NSW 2878
    Research Node: CSIRO/CSS

    Role in Network

    Government - Researcher

    COSNet Research Themes

    1. Irreversibility and Emergence in Nonequilibrium Systems
    2. Turbulence and Coherent Structures, Control and Computation
    3. Dynamics and Statistics of Multi-Scale Systems
    4. Network Theory
    5. Cellular Automata, Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation

    COSNet Application Areas

    1. Complex Physical Systems
    2. Complex Biological Systems
    3. Complex Computational Systems
    4. Complex Socio-Economic Systems

    Research Topics

    Evolutionary ecology, complexity modelling, genetic resources, biogeography, conservation.

    1. Halloy, S.; Mark, A.F. 2003. Climate change effects on alpine plant biodiversity: a New Zealand perspective on quantifying the threat. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 35: 248-254.
    2. Scheffer, J.J.C.; Douglas, J.A.; Martin, R.J.; Triggs, C.M.; Halloy, S.; Deo, B. 2003. Preliminary studies on the agronomic requirements of ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Loz) – a new South American tuber crop. Proceedings New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science (in press).
    3. Halloy, S. 2002. Variations in community structure and growth rates of high-Andean plants with climatic fluctuations. Chap 18 in Körner, C. and Spehn, E.M. (eds.) Mountain Biodiversity: a global assessment. Parthenon Publishing, London: 227-239.
    4. Busch, J.M.; Sangketkit, C.; Savage, G.P.; Martin, R.J., Halloy, S.; Deo, B. 2000. Nutritional analysis and sensory evaluation of ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Loz) grown in New Zealand. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80: 2232-2240.
    5. Halloy, S.R.P. 2000 Effects on system structure, diversity and stability of the distance exponent in a resource attraction model. In Halloy, S.R.P.; Williams, T. (eds.) Applied Complexity. Crop & Food Research, Christchurch, New Zealand: 328-346.
    Awards and Distinctions

    2003 - Contributed to the Noel Kempff Mercado Climate Action Project (USA-Bolivia, 1997) which received the prestigious Roy Family Award from Harvard University
    2001 - Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) expert
    2000 - Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) and Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA) invited member
    - Chair Organizing Committee, 5th International Complex Systems Conference
    1998 - Editorial Committee of Ecología en Bolivia
    - Driving Committee, Gevuina Action Group, New Zealand
    - Extra-mural Researcher, Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA
    1997 - New York Academy of Sciences, invited member
    - Smithsonian Institution, Certificate of Merit.
    1993-present - World Conservation Union (IUCN), member on four commissions.
    1990-92 - Performance awards, MAF
    1992-97 - NZ representative to the Commonwealth Science Council, and to the Southern Connection Congress, both on biological diversity and genetic resources

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections