Alelaila, Chinaberry

  • Title

    Alelaila, Chinaberry

  • Authors

    Nilda González Toro, José A. García Luiña

  • Scientific Name

    Melia azedarach L.

  • Description

    Árbol de hojas caducas de 20 a 50 pies de alto y uno a dos pies de diámetro en el tronco. Posee follaje tupido verde oscuro, flores púrpura pálido en ramos vistosos y frutos redondos amarillos. Los frutos tienen propiedades narcóticas y venenosas. La madera se ha usado como combustible, las hojas y frutos secos como repelentes de insectos. Cultivado como árbol ornamental y de sombra se ha naturalizado en la zona costera y base de las montañas de Puerto Rico y la Isla de Vieques. Nativo de Asia se ha distribuido por el mundo tropical y subtropical. Tree of caduceus leaves of 20 or 50 feet of height and 1 or two feet of diameter in the trunk. It has dark green dense foliage, pale purple attractive flowers in branches, and round yellow fruits. The fruits have narcotic and poisonous properties. The wood has been used like fuel and the leaves and dry fruits have served as insects repellant. It is cultivated as an ornamental and shade tree. It has become naturalized in the coastal zone and at the base of the mountains of Puerto Rico and the Island of Vieques. Native of Asia, it is distributed by the Tropical and Subtropical World.