Susana, Black eyed Susan

  • Title

    Susana, Black eyed Susan

  • Authors

    Nilda González Toro, José A. García Luiña

  • Scientific Name

    Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims

  • Description

    Bejuco rastrero o trepador que puede extenderse 9 pies sobre otras plantas. Posee hojas lobuladas, olorosas y flores solitarias, blancas, amarillas o anaranjadas con el centro violeta oscuro. Las hojas cocidas son comestibles. Ha sido cultivada como planta ornamental. En Puerto Rico esta especie, nativa del este africano, se ha naturalizado y crece a orillas de caminos, carreteras y en terrenos húmedos. Está distribuida en las Indias Occidentales y América Tropical Climbing or creeping weed that can to extend nine feet over other plants. It has lobular leaves, fragrant solitary flowers in tones of white, and yellows or orange with the dark violet center. Its cooked leaves are edible. It has been cultivated as an ornamental. In Puerto Rico, this species, native of Eastern African, grows in the borders of roads, highways and in humid terrains. It is distributed in the West Indies and Tropical America.