Burro, Sapo, Broad-leaved caper

  • Title

    Burro, Sapo, Broad-leaved caper

  • Authors

    Nilda González Toro, José A. García Luiña

  • Scientific Name

    Capparis hastata Jacq.

  • Description

    Árbol siempre verde que alcanza 50 pies de altura y un pie de diámetro en el tronco. Posee hojas gruesas coriáceas, flores blancas que abren en la noche con estambres blancos extendidos y frutos colgantes en vainas rojas al madurar. La madera ha sido usada para postes. Se ha cultivado ocasionalmente para ornamentar y reforestar las carreteras de la Isla. Crece silvestre en bosques costeros secos y calizos de la costa sur y este de Puerto Rico y las Islas de Vieques y Culebra. Está distribuido en las Antillas, Islas Vírgenes, Venezuela y Colombia. Evergreen tree that can grow to fifty feet of height and one foot of diameter in the trunk. It has thick leathery leaves, white flowers that open at night with white extended stamens, and hanging fruits in red pods, when ripe. Its wood has been used in posts. It has occasionally been used for reforestation and ornate in Puerto Rico's roads. It grows wild in the dry calcareous coastal forests of the Southern and Eastern coasts of Puerto Rico, Vieques, and Culebra. It is distributed in some of the Antilles, and in the Virgin Islands, Venezuela, and Colombia.