Chamaecrista pedicellaris var. adenosperma

  • Title

    Chamaecrista pedicellaris var. adenosperma

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Chamaecrista pedicellaris var. adenosperma (Urb.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Description

    45b. Chamaecrista pedicellaris (DeCandolle) Britton var. adenosperma (Urban) Irwin & Barneby, stat. nov. Cassia adenosperma Urban, Symb. Antill. 5: 362. 1908.—"Hab. in Sto. Domingo in Sierra del Palo Quemado ad rupes calcareas, 440 m. alt., m. Majo flor. et fruct.: Eggers n. 1886."—Holotypus, presumably |B; no isotypus found.—Chamaecrista adenosperma (Urban) Britton, Bull. Torr. Club 44: 12. 1917.

    Chamaecrista adenosperma sensu Britton & Rose, 1930, p. 275.

    As described for the species, but never (so far as known) yellow-pilosulous, the lfts venulose as described in key to varieties.—Collections: 29.

    Sunny hillsides, fields, thickets, and pineforests, not known to reach the immediate seashore, 20-625 m, widespread in the basin of Río Yague del Norte, n.- w. Dominican Republic in Monte Cristi, Valverde, Santiago Rodríguez, Santiago and n.-w. La Vega, extending n. over the crest of Cordillera Septentrional to the Atlantic slope in Puerto Plata.—Fl. almost throughout the year.