Chamaecrista caribaea var. caribaea

  • Title

    Chamaecrista caribaea var. caribaea

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Chamaecrista caribaea (Northr.) Britton var. caribaea

  • Description

    10a. Chamaecrista caribaea (Northrop) Britton var. caribaea. Cassia caribaea Northrop, l.c., pi. 6. 1902, sens. str.—". . . Fresh Creek, Andros [Island, Bahamas], June 10 [1890, John I. & Alice R. Northrop] (638)."— Holotypus, NY! clastotypus (fragm), US!

    Chamaecrista caribaea sensu Britton & Rose, 1930, p. 282.

    Annotinous branchlets and lf-stalks minutely strigulose with hairs up to 0.1-0.2(-0.4) mm; lvs as described in key, the lfts subsymmetricaUy elliptic, oblong- or oblance-elliptic; pod 36-45 mm.—Collections: 11.

    In coppice, or in shallow earth pockets on coral reefs or outcrops, mostly near sea-level, known only from the centr. Bahamas in lat. 24-25°10'N (Andros, New Providence, Cat Is.)—Fl. I—III, VI-IX, perhaps irregularly through the year.