Chamaecrista desvauxii var. glauca

  • Title

    Chamaecrista desvauxii var. glauca

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Chamaecrista desvauxii var. glauca (Hassl.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Description

    1a. Chamaecrista desvauxii (Colladon) Killip var. glauca (Hassler) Irwin & Barneby, comb. nov. Cassia latistipula var. glauca Hassler, Feddes Repert. Sp. Nov. 8: 129. 1910.—"Paraguay: Sierra de Amambay, in campis pr. Estrella, flor. et fruct. mens. Jan.; Hassler no. 10080, leg. Rojas."—Holotypus, collected 27.VII. 1910, G (4 sheets)! isotypus, K!

    Cassia latistipula Bentham in Martius, Fl. Bras. 15(2): 156. 1870.—". . . prope Riacho Fundo prov. Ceará [in reality the Riacho Fundo in foothills of Sa. do Cipó, s.-centr. Minas Gerais]: Riedel; ad Caxoeira do Campo prov. Minas Geraës: Claussen; ad Uberava prov. S. Paulo [now w. Minas Gerais]: Regnell coll. III. n. 468; in . . . Sertao de Amaro-Leite prov. Goyaz: Weddell."—Lectoholotypus (Irwin, 1964, p. 56): Riedel 570.—The holotypus could not be found at LE in 1976; isotypus, K = NY Neg. 1514! Cassia arlindo-andradei Hoehne, Arq. Bot. Estado S. Paulo, n. ser. form. major. 2(1): 16, 17 (photo), t. 4 (optima!). 1944.—"Campo Grande, Mato Grosso. No. 39.070 Oswaldo Handro . . . cultivada de sementes trazidas de Mato Grosso, em 1936, por F. C. Hoehne e A. Gehrt . . —Isotypus, SP!

    Foliage (so far as known) glabrous, bright green, blue-green, or pallidly glaucescent; larger stipules contiguous or imbricated, concealing the stem, 15-26 x 10-20 mm, at apex broadly rounded to broadly deltate-subacute, persistent; lf-stalk 7-20(-24) mm; gland 0.4-1.7 mm diam, sessile or almost so; larger lfts up to (20-)25-38(-46) x (10-) 12-21(-23) mm; pedicels 22-42(-50) mm; long petals (14-) 16-21 (-25) mm; pod 40-65(-70) x (6-)7-9.5(-10.5) mm; ovules (15-) 16-21 (-23).

    Virgin and disturbed cerrado, sometimes weedy along roads and in rough pasture or coppiced woodland, mostly 300—1200 m, ascending on Chapada dos Veadeiros in e.-centr. Goiás to 1600 m and descending along the lower Paraguay and Paraná rivers to ±100 m, widespread over the Brazilian Planalto from Chapada Diamantina (Sa. do Sincorá) in Bahia s. along Sa. do Espinhaço to s. Minas Gerais (Caxambú) and e. São Paulo (Guararema) and w. and s. over s. Goiás and s. Mato Grosso to extreme s.-e. Rondônia, centr. Paraguay, n.-e. Paraná, and extreme n. Argentina (Ituzaingó, prov. Corrientes).

    Collections of var. glauca, equivalent of C. latistipula sensu Irwin (1964, p. 56, fig. 338, q.v. for discussion of variability), have doubled since 1964, filling out the already known range in planaltine Brazil and extending it north into Bahia and south into Paraná. Vouchers (NY) for the new limital records are: Bahia: Sa. do Sincorá, 19 km n.-e. of Ibicoara, 1.II.74 (fl, fr), Harley et al. 15767. Rondônia: Vilhena, 3.I.79 (fl, fr), M. G. Silva & A. Pinheiro 4120. São Paulo: Guararema, on roadside, 24.IX.67 (fl, fr), Moreira de Souza in herb. I. A. C. 19562. Paraná: Nova Esperança, 3.IX.69 (fl, fr), Hatschbach 22163.

    The variety may be visualized ideally as a coarsely leafy, always glabrous version of var. mollissima with very large obtuse stipules upwardly imbricated to conceal the stem. Alike in Goiás and Minas Gerais var. glauca fades by way of populations with stipules either broadly acute at apex or shorter than the internodes, or both, into amply leafy var. mollissima.