Inflorescence and flower morphology and anatomy of Lecythis poiteaui.

  • Title

    Inflorescence and flower morphology and anatomy of Lecythis poiteaui.

  • Authors

    Scott Alan Mori, Caroline Carollo, Nathan P. Smith

  • Scientific Name

    Lecythis poiteaui O.Berg

  • Description

    The inflorescences and flowers of this species are very distinct. The inflorescences are suprafoliar spikes that are located within and at the periphery of the canopy; the nocturnal flowers open at or shorty after dusk and fall at around 3:30 am; the petals are green; the andoecial hood is white;  nectar is produced in the hood from non-differentiated tissue, staminodes located proximally and vestigial stamens distally in the androecial hood; and there is a short proximal hood extension and a very long anterior hood extension. The ovaries are 4-locular as seen in cross section and the ovules arise from the lower septum on expanded, arched placentae as seen in longitudinal section. The locules tend to be oriented vertically or somewhat horizontally and the ovules are obiquely ascending in orientation as seen in longitudinal section.