Paradise Tree

  • Title

    Paradise Tree

  • Authors

    Ethan H. Freid

  • Scientific Name

    Simarouba glauca DC.

  • Description

    Common Names

    Paradise Tree, Bitterwood, Dysentery Bark




    Simarouba glauca grows as a tree to 10 meters in height with a trunk to 30 cm in diameter. The leaves are arranged alternately, are odd pinnately compound, to 40 cm in length, with10-20 leaflets. The leaflets are up to 10 cm in length, dark green above, lighter below, with an entire margin and rounded leaf apex.

    The polygamo-dioecious, actinomorphic flowers are arranged in terminal and axillary panicles. The calyx has 5 unfused, greenish sepals. The corolla has 5 unfused yellowish- white overlapping petals. Staminate flowers have 10 stamens and no ovaries. Carpellate flowers have 10 nonfunctional stamens and 5 unfused ovaries each with a single locule and seed. Occasionally there are perfect flowers produced on either the staminate or carpellate trees. The fruit is a purple/black drupe at maturity.


    Simarouba glauca grows in Dry Broadleaf Evergreen Formation- Forests/Shrublands (coppice).

    Distribution in Bahamas/Globally

    Simarouba glauca occurs in the northern island groupings of the Bahamian Archipelago as well as Florida, Cuba, and Mexico south through Central America.

    Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage

    Simarouba glauca has been used to treat fevers (malaria) and colds, dermatological problems (wounds, sores) and gastrointestinal issues (dysentery).

    Simarouba glauca has been harvested for resin, an edible oil, and other pharmaceutically useful chemicals.

    Simarouba glauca is used in the horticultural industry.

    Simarouba glauca is related to Picramnia pentandra (Snake Root).