Abarema curvicarpa var. curvicarpa

  • Title

    Abarema curvicarpa var. curvicarpa

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Abarema curvicarpa (H.S.Irwin) Barneby & J.W.Grimes var. curvicarpa

  • Description

    6a. Abarema curvicarpa (Irwin) Barneby & Grimes var. curvicarpa. Pithecellobium curvicarpum Irwin, 1966, 1. c., fig. l(G-L). — "Essequibo R., British Guiana, Kamuni Creek, Gorete (= Groete) Creek [±6°40'N, 58°40'W], Bassett Maguire & D. B. Fanshawe 22950." — Holotypus, collected 21.IV. 1944 (fr) NY!; isotypi, G!, GH!, MO!, US 190957!.

    Lfts relatively ample and perceptibly pinnate-veined on lower face, as described in key to varieties; inflorescence and fls as described for the species.

    In humid riverine and moist upland forest, reported in French Guiana from 200 to 400 m, known only from the lower Essequibo valley in Guyana (Groete Creek) and from French Guiana (Piste St. Elie; Saul).— Map 10. — Fr. IV-V(-VIII). — Foliage from a sterile tree (no. 1503, collector unknown, herb, no 1847, MO) from Watramiri, Surinam, may possibly represent A. curvicarpa.