Senna polyphylla var. polyphylla

  • Title

    Senna polyphylla var. polyphylla

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Senna polyphylla (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby var. polyphylla

  • Description

    169a. Senna polyphylla (Jacquin) Irwin & Barneby var. polyphylla. C. polyphylla Jacquin, Collectanea 4: 104. 1791 & Ic. Pl. Rar. 3(11): t. 460. 1792.- "In insula Porto rico sponte crescit; in caldario horti Caesarei Schon- brunnensis floret Aprili & Majo . . ."-Holotypus, Hb. Jacqu. ex hort. Schoenbrun., W! = NY Neg. 10487.-Peiranisia polyphylla (Jacquin) Britton & Rose ex Britton & Wilson, Sci. Survey Porto Rico & Virgin Is. 5(3): 373. 1924.

    Cassia marginata Willdenow, Enum. pl. hort. bot. Berol. 444. 1809.-"Habitat in Surinamo."- Holotypus, a spm. cult, at Berlin, Hb. Willd. 8001, B!

    Cassia tenuissima Sesse & Mocino, Fl. Mex. ed. 2, 102. 1894.-No locality given.-Presumed holotypus, labelled "Cassia tenuissima" and agreeing with the short diagnosis, Hb. S. & M. 1133, MA! = F Neg. 44228\ clastotypus, F!-"C. microphylla S. & M.," s. loc., BM, MA (hb. S. & M. 1192) = F Neg. 44246 may be isotypic.

    Cassia polyphylla sensu Colladon, 1816, p. 104; Vogel, 1837, p. 31; Bentham, 1871, p. 544; Britton, Addisonia 1: pl. 2. 1916; Little, Woodbury & Wadsworth, Trees Puerto Rico, Sec. Vol. 280, pl. 373. 1974.

    Lfts of primary lvs 7-13 pairs, 3.5-8(-10) x 2-4(-4.5) mm, commonly glabrous on both faces, sometimes ciliolate, sometimes thinly pilosulous dorsally; n = 14 (Irwin & Turner, 1960).-Collections: 44.

    Dry hillsides, thin stony woodland, thickets, sometimes on outcrops or rock- ledges, on either eruptive or sedimentary (calcareous) bedrock, below 600 m, locally plentiful along the coast and foothills of s. Puerto Rico from Cabo Rojo e. to Guayama (lat. 66°5'-67°13'W), and on the Virgin Is. of St. Thomas and St. Croix; cultivated in U.S. (Florida, California), Windward Is. (Grenada), Guyana (Georgetown), Surinam (Paramaribo), s.-e. Brazil (Campinas, S. Paulo), and formerly under glass in Europe, probably elsehwere.-FI. in Puerto Rico most abundantly X-III, but intermittently through the year, the fruits long persisting.- Retama prieta.