Mimosa ramentacea
Mimosa ramentacea
Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Mimosa ramentacea Burkart
463. Mimosa ramentacea Burkart in Reitz, Fl. ilustr. catarin. LEGU/I: 189, est. 30. 1979.— "Santa Catarina: Bom Retiro, between Fazenda Campo dos Padres and Fazenda Sto. Antônio, Campo dos Padres, dwarf forest, 14001650 m . . . L. B. Smith and R. M. Klein 7.797 (21.11.1956)."—Holotypus, SI (not seen); isotypi, F! = F Neg. 57536, NY! US!
Unarmed shrubs ± 1 m with slender defoliate and glabrate, dark brown trunks scaly at nodes with marcescent stipules, the densely foliate hornotinous stems shaggily silky-pilose with flexible, declined and outwardly curved, rufescent flagelliform setae to 1.5 mm, the lf-rachises antrorsely setulose, the small crowded lfts bicolored, glaucous-brownish and glabrous above, beneath paler reddish-brown and finely minutely strigulose, the numerous small subglobose gray-puberulent capitula solitary in the axil of hysteranthous lvs, at early anthesis crowded into small pyramidal panicles exserted ±4-5 cm above expanded lvs but foliate in fruit. Stipules erect, firmly papery, lance-ovate 2.5-3.5 x 1 mm, minutely puberulent dorsally, 3-5-nerved, setulose-ciliolate proximally, persistent but dry and fragile or shreddy with age. Leaf-stalks reduced to pulvinus or almost so, not over 1.5 mm; pinnae 1-jug., the rachis of longer ones ±20-28 mm, the interfoliolar segments 0.5-0.7 mm; lfts of longer pinnae 25-32-jug., decrescent toward each end of rachis, the first pair less than 1 mm distant from subulate paraphyllidia ±0.6 mm, the blades narrowly oblong from bluntly auriculate base and falcately curved forward beyond middle, the longer ones 2.5-3.5 x 0.8-1.2 mm, all weakly 2-nerved dorsally, the simple midrib displaced to divide blade ±1:2, the posterior nerve weak and short. Peduncles 6-14 mm, retrosetose like young stems; capitula without filaments 4.5-5 mm diam., prior to anthesis moriform, the obtuse fl-buds retrorsely strigulose overall; bracts linear-oblanceolate 1-1.5 mm, setulose-ciliolate, deciduous;flowers 4-merous 4-androus, retrorsely gray-puberulent; calyx pappiform, the campanulate tube 0.3 mm, externally brown glabrous, the truncate orifice ciliolate with basally confluent stramineous setulae ±0.4-0.5 mm; corolla narrowly vase-shaped ±2.5 mm, the ovate, shallowly concave 1-nerved lobes ±1 x 0.5 mm; filaments pink, free to base, exserted ±4 mm. Pods (few seen, and none fully ripe) sessile, in profile ±15-20 x 5.5 mm, 3-4-seeded, the slender replum hispid with long rusty setae, the valves more thinly and loosely setulose, probably breaking up into free-falling articles.
In campo at margin of cloud forest at 1500-2000 m, near crest of Sa. do Mar in s.-e. Sta. Catarina (mun. Bom Retiro, near 28°S).—Fl. XI— XII(-?).