Senna caudata var. diadena
Senna caudata var. diadena
Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Senna caudata var. diadena H.S.Irwin & Barneby
48b. Senna caudata (Standley) var. diadena Irwin & Barneby, var. nov., a var. caudata imprimis petiolo 2-glanduloso, ulterius ut videtur sepalis latioribus inter se magis inaequilongis petalisque maximis absimilis.— COSTA RICA. San Jose: in forest, 1000 m, vicinity of El General, VI. 1936 (fl), A. F. Skutch 2655.— Holotypus, US (no. 1642726); isotypi, K, MO, NY (fragm).
Characters as given in key to varieties; pod cylindroid straight ±16-20 x 1.2 cm, the ventral suture ±2.5 mm wide, without thickened margins, the valves becoming leathery atrocastaneous, transversely lenticellate and at length transversely fissured, narrowly 2-winged lengthwise near the middle, the cavity apparently devoid or almost so of foetid pulp, the 2 files of seeds separated by a thick spongy septal wall connecting the 2 sutures; seeds symmetrically oblong- ellipsoid, little compressed, 5.5-6 x 2.5-2.7 mm, the testa smooth fuscous, scarcely lustrous, exareolate.—Collections: 4.
Humid forest near 1000-1200 m, local, known only from the Pacific slope of Cordillera de Talamanca, in the basin of rio Grande de Terreba, in San Jose and Puntarenas, Costa Rica.—Fl. VIII-XI.