Mimosa hirsutissima var. hirsutissima

  • Title

    Mimosa hirsutissima var. hirsutissima

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa hirsutissima Mart. var. hirsutissima

  • Description

    415a. Mimosa hirsutissima Martius var. hirsutissima. M. hirsutissima Martius, 1838, l.c., sens. str.—"Crescit in campis ad Taubate, Prov. S. Pauli. Floret Decembri [1817]."—Holotypus, Martius 467, M! = F Neg. 6183.

    M. tomentosa Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow, Sp.pl. 4:1033.1806, nom. illeg.—"Habitat in America meridionali, prope Maypure.", the locality elaborated by Kunth, Mimoses 11, t. 4. 1819: "in ripa fluminis Orinoco, prope Maypures, Atures et Carichana." —Holotypus, Humboldt s.n., B-WILLD 19071, seen in microform!; isotypus, Humboldt & Bonpland 1164, P-HBK!; presumed isotypus, Bonpland 5564, P!—Non M. tomentosa Rottler, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4: 207, 208. 1803.

    M. dispersa Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 4:369. 1841.- "Brazil, Sello\ Tejuco [=Diamantina, Minas Gerais], [Riedel, misit] Langsdorff"—Lectotypus, Riedel 1305 = no. 23 ex herb, petrop., K!—Equated by Bentham, 1875: 399 & 1876; 321, with M. hirsuta Spreng.; cf. under that name, below.

    M. nervosa var. longipila Bentham in Martius, Fl. bras. 15(2): 319. 1876.—". . . in campis ad Lagoa Santa: Warming."—Holotypus, K!; isotypi, C (Mimosa n. 11)! = FNeg. 21883, US!

    M. nervosa var. villosissima Bentham in Martius, Fl. bras. 15(2): 319. 1876.—". . . verisimiliter in prov. Minas Geraes: Lund."—Holotypus, C! = F Neg. 21884.

    M. studartiana Huber, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 1: 303. 1901.—"Hab. Endroits sablonneux entre Fortaleza et Bemfica (85). (Ceará Brazil, Huber)."—Holotypus, collected 9/10.IX.1897, MG!

    M. nervosa var. missionum Burkart, Darwiniana 8(1): 138, fig. 21N, lám. 16. 1948.—"Argentina, Misiones: Santa Ana, sabanas, A. Burkart 14743, 16-XII.1943.’’—Holotypus, SI, seen only in lamina 6, supra cit.; isotypus, GH!; paratypus, Burkart 15331, K!

    (?) M. nervosa var. albojfiana Burkart, Darwiniana 8(1): 140, fig. 21 A. 1948.—"Argentina. Misiones: San Ignacio, en los campos, leg. Nicolas Alboff, 22-XI. 1896."—Holotypus, LP 13148, not seen.

    M. tomentosa sensu Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth, 1824: 253; Bentham, 1841: 369; 1875: 399.

    M. hirsuta sensu Bentham, 1875: 399; 1876: 321; vix M. hirsuta K. Sprengel, Syst. veg. 2: 204. 1825, quae pinnis conjugatim 1-jugis et patria uruguayana discrepat.—Vide Nomina Dubia in Append. I (p. 775). M. hirsutissima sensu Bentham, 1875: 399; 1876: 322; Lewis, 1987, fig. 90.

    M. nervosa sensu Bentham, 1842: 370, ex parte, quoad paratypum solum; 1875: 398; 1876: 319.

    Stems procumbent, assurgent, or prostrate but not radicant, becoming 5-30 dm, either armed or not; cauline setae mostly 2-7 mm; petioles 440 mm; pinnae 1-, 1-2- or 2-3-jug., the rachis of longer ones (2-)2.5-6.5 cm; lfts of longer pinnae 1 l-17(-19)-jug., either strigose-pilosulous on both faces or only beneath, the larger ones 6-17 x (l ,6-)2-4(-5) mm; peduncles (3-)4-9(-l 1) cm.

    In dry stony or sandy campo and also in wet campo or brejo, locally common on the Brazilian Planalto between 500 and 1350 m, from both slopes of Sa. do Espinhaço in centr. and n.-centr. Minas Gerais w. to centr. Goiás, thence scattered, commonly at lower elevations, to the Paraná basin in s.-centr. S. Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, s.-e. Paraguay, and n.-e. Argentina; e. and n., sometimes in restinga, to Ceará and Pernambuco; and distantly allopatric in llano and morichal at 100-170 m on the Colombian llanos of Arauco, Meta and Vichada, and in the Orinoco valley in Guárico, Bolívar and Amazonas, Venezuela.—The type-locality in far eastern S. Paulo requires confirmation.—Fl. in s. South America mostly XI-IV, in Venezuela VII-XII(-?). Map 64.

    Populations of var. hirsutissima with nothing but conjugate pinnae in every leaf are of rare and sporadic occurrence at the periphery of the species’ South American range: in Pernambuco (Pickel 3923, NY, US), in Bahia (Hatschbach 49508, NY), and in Paraguay (Balansa 1482, G; Jorgensen 4556, NY). One collection from Paraguay (Igatimí, Hassler 4767. G, reported by Chodat & Hassler, 1906: 488, as M. barbigera) is partly of this sort, partly different in broader glabrous leaflets suggesting those of (or introgression from) M. flagellaris. Most populations of M. hirsutissima with normally 2-3 -jugate pinnae in at least some upper leaves have leaflets not more than 11 mm long or 3 mm wide. In north-central Minas Gerais (Irwin 23004, 23681, NY) the largest leaflets attain 17 x 4-5 mm, dimensions approached, however by the type of M. hirsutissima itself.