Senna quinquangulata var. quinquangulata

  • Title

    Senna quinquangulata var. quinquangulata

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Senna quinquangulata (Rich.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby var. quinquangulata

  • Description

    26a. Senna quinquangulata (L. C. Richard) Irwin & Barneby var. quinquangulataCassia quinquangulata L. C. Richard, 1792, l.c., sens. str.—. . e Cayenna . . . missarum a domino LeBlond."—Holotypus, LeBlond s.n., P(hb. Richard.)!—Chamaefistula quinquangulata (L. C. Richard) Pittier, Arb. y Arbust. Venez. 123. 1928.

    Cassia falcinella Standley, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 18(3): 102. 1916. Type . . . US. . . no. 7153333, collected in the vicinity of San Felix, eastern Chiriqui, Panama, altitude 120 meters or less, December, 1911, by H. Pittier (no. 5147)."—Holotypus, US! clastotypus (fragm + photo), NY! isotypus, US (no. 691776!—Chamaefistula falcinella (Standley) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23(4): 238. 1930. Cassia pittieri Ghesquiere, Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 9(3): 162. 1932, nom substitut. legit., non C. falcinella Oliver, Fl. Trop. Africa 2: 281. 1871. C. unica Schery in Woodson, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 38(1) [—Fl. Panama 5(3)]: 76. 1951, nom. substitut. superfluum.

    Chamaefistula villosula Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23(4): 233. 1930. Type from San Sebastian, Jalisco, January, February, 1927, Ynes Mexia 1523, flowers; 1675, fruit. Lectoholotypus, Mexia 1523, collected 19.1.27 (fl) at 1500 m, NY! isotypi F, MICH, US! paratypi, no. 1675, MICH, NY, US!

    Chamaefistula rekoi Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23(4): 233. 1930.—‘ Cerro Espino, Oaxaca, altitude 400 meters, September, 1917, B. P. Reko 3410."—Holotypus, US! clastotypus (fragm + photo), NY!

    Chamaefistula collinsii Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23(4): 233. 1930.—"Cerro del Cruz, Tepic, October 1, 1923, G. N. Collins & J. H. Kempton 22. "—Holotypus, US! clastotypus (fragm), NY!

    Chamaefistula klugii Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35(3): 173. 1936.—". . . Comisario del Putumayo, Umbria, Colombia, 325 m. altitude, November 11, 1930, G. Klug 1751 . . .’’—Holotypus, NY! = NY Neg. 4953; isotypi, F, K, US!

    Cassia quinquangulata sensu Bentham, 1870, p. 99, ex parte, exclus. plantis austrobrasiliens.; 1971, p. 523, ex parte, exclus. plantis antillan.

    Characters as given in description and key to varieties.—Collections: 266.

    Humid tropical forest, in the Amazonian Hylaea commonly on clays and laterite, often riverine but apparently avoiding varzea lowland, becoming abundant in disturbed or second-growth woodland, thickets and hedges, mostly below 400 m but ascending on the Guayana Highland to 1200, along the e. slope of the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Andes to 700-1000, and in s.-w. Mexico to 1500 m, widespread through the Guianas, the Amazon valley upstream from Amapa and Para into s.-e. Colombia (Putumayo), adjacent Ecuador (Napo-Pastaza), the Huallaga valley in Peru (San Martin) and the Madeira-Mamore basin in Rondonia, Brazil, and Santa Cruz, Bolivia, thence s.-e. around Brazil’s e. shoulder to Ceara, Paraiba and the coastal forest of Bahia; Tobago (but apparently absent from Trinidad); e. foothills of Cordillera de Merida in w. Venezuela (Barinas) and adjoining Colombia (Norte de Santander); reappearing in Panama (lowlands of Darien and at 600-900 m in Panama, Code and Veraguas) and Costa Rica (Cord, de Talamanca); local in s. Belize (Stann Creek), adjoining Guatemala (Izabal) and Gulf lowlands of s.-e. Mexico (s.-e. Veracruz); s.-w. Guatemala (Escuintla, Solola); Sa. Madre del Sur in Mexico (Oaxaca, Guerrero, Jalisco and Nayarit), n. along Pacific slope to s. Sinaloa and adjacent Durango.—Fl. almost throughout the year, but most prolifically X-III.—Quillo huasca (Peru).