Cassia fastuosa var. calva
Cassia fastuosa var. calva
Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Cassia fastuosa var. calva H.S.Irwin & Barneby
11b. Cassia fastuosa Willdenow ex Bentham var. calva Irwin & Barneby, var. nov., a var. fastuosa ovario fecundato mox glabrescenti, legumine glabrato atropurpureo nitidulo nec ut in var .fastuosa molliter velutino- puberula diversa.—BRAZIL. Rondonia: Madeira-Mamore RR, km 90-93, near Jaciparana, 30.VI. 1968 (fr), Prance et al. 5412.— Holotypus, NY.
Characters as given in key; fertile anthers glabrous or puberulent.—Collections: 12
Habitats of var. fastuosa, but allopatric on the upper forks of rios Purus, Madeira and Mamore in Acre, Rondonia and n. Mato Grosso, Brazil and closely adjoining Beni, Bolivia.—Fl. VIII-IX.