Cassia fastuosa var. fastuosa

  • Title

    Cassia fastuosa var. fastuosa

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Cassia fastuosa Willd. ex Benth. var. fastuosa

  • Description

    11a. Cassia fastuosa Willdenow ex Bentham var. fastuosa. C. fastuosa Bentham, 1870, l.c., sens. str.—"Habitat in provincia Paraensi prope Para in sylvis: Martius, Burchell n. 9649.; ad Parana-miri dos Ramos et Caripi ejusdem prov.: Spruce n. 234. (specimina florida); et ad flumen Amazonum prope ostium Rio das Trombetas: Martius (specimen fructiferum)."—Lectoholotypus, Spruce 234, K! all paratypi (K, M) are conspecific!—C. fastuosa Willdenow ex Vogel, Linnaea 11: 654, in nota sub C. staminea. 1837, nom. provis.—Described briefly from Sieber s.n. (dedit Hoffmannsegg) in herb. Willdenoviano 7978, B! = F Neg. 1687, but not unequivocally accepted as a distinct species.

    Cassia fastuosa sensu Bentham, 1871, p. 516; Amshoff in Pulle, 1939, p. 57.

    Characters as given in key; fertile anthers glabrous.—Collections: 27.—Fig. 7.

    Virgin and disturbed forest on terra firme (one record from varzea), surviving in capoeira and as a shade tree in pastures, originally native on riverbanks and in natural openings, ±10-200 m, local and sometimes solitary, in scattered stations along the lower Amazon and its tributaries, mostly downstream from mouth of Rio Trombetas, in Para, extending n. through Amapa to s.-centr. French Guiana and e.-centr. Surinam; thence rarely w. to Manaus and the middle Madeira river in Amazonas, where closely approaching var. calva.—Fl. VIII-XII, the fruit long and slowly maturing, the seeds released only by rotting of the fallen pod.— Marimari (applied also to Senna multijuga), maripixuma, parica, cordao de S. Francisco.