Cassia cotinifolia var. percoriacea

  • Title

    Cassia cotinifolia var. percoriacea

  • Authors

    Howard S. Irwin, Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Cassia cotinifolia var. percoriacea H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Description

    115c. Cassia cotinifolia G. Don var. percoriacea Irwin & Barneby, var. nov., vix a var. cotinifolia nisi sepalis ut inflorescentiae axes omnes glaberrimis absimilis, ulterius foliolis basi cuneatim contractis eximie coriaceis alte ac aperte reticulatis insignis. — BRASIL. Distrito Federal: 30 km s. of Brasilia on road to Belo Horizonte, 1000 m, 15.VII.66 (fl, fr), Irwin, Grear, Souza, & Reis dos Santos 18240. — Holotypus, UB; isotypi, C, F, GH, K, RB, S, UC, US.

    Glabrous except for the setulose ovary and pod, the inflorescence glutinous but hairless, the sepals glabrous; lfts 4-8 x 3-7.5 cm, essentially as var. cotinifolia, but more stiffly coriaceous, the reticulation slightly more prominent and coarser but of similar mesh. — Collections: 6.

    Hillside campo cerrado and margin of gallery forest, sometimes along streams, 800-1200 m, known only from about the sources of Rio Paranaiba in Distrito Federal. — Fl. VI-VII, fr. from VII onward.