Mimosa polycephala var. taxifolia
Mimosa polycephala var. taxifolia
Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Mimosa polycephala var. taxifolia Barneby
396a. Mimosa polycephala Bentham var. taxifolia Barneby, nom. et stat. nov. M. taxifolia Bongard ex Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 373. 1841, nom. illeg. — " ‘Chapada,’ in Brazil [=Chapada dos Guimarães n.-e. of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, leg. Riedel, commun.] Langsdorff"—Holotypus, Riedel 118= 1838 = 985, collected V.1827 (fl), K (hb. Benth.)! = NY
Neg. 1810; isotypi, A! NY!—Non M. taxifolia (Willdenow) Poiret, Encycl. suppl. 1: 59. 1810.
M. taxifolia
sensu Bentham, 1875: 401 (errore e prov. Minas Gerais indicata); 1876: 328.Characters of the species as modified in key to varieties.
In cerrado, 350-700 m, sometimes colonial on roadsides, locally plentiful on headwaters of rio Araguaia and on both slopes of the Araguaia- Paraguai watershed in s. and s.-e. Mato Grosso, n.-e. Mato Grosso do Sul, and far s.-w. Goiás, Brazil, in lat. 14°-17°S, long. 52°-57°W.-Fl. II-VI-VIII; fr. VI-VIII(-?).