Mimosa dolens subsp. acerba

  • Title

    Mimosa dolens subsp. acerba

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa dolens subsp. acerba (Benth.) Barneby

  • Description

    352/I. Mimosa dolens Vellozo subsp. acerba (Bentham) Barneby, stat. nov. M. acerba Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 378. 1841, sens. str.— Typus infra sub var. acerba indicatur.

    Leaflets almost always setose on both faces, exceptionally glabrescent on upper, and only slenderly marginate, ordinarily weakly nerved dorsally, with simple or distally few-branched midrib, the branches expiring within the margin (exceptionally brochidodrome); marginal nerve of lfts forming a rim raised only around the ventral face of blade and setose-ciliate both on back and sides; calyx either minute or pappiform; lf- formula and size of lfts variable.