Mimosa psilocarpa
Mimosa psilocarpa
Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Mimosa psilocarpa B.L.Rob.
341. Mimosa psilocarpa B. L. Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 35: 325. 1900.—"Mountain woods between ‘S. Carl and S. Bartolo Yuahntepec [Yuautepec],’ Oaxaca, collected by C. & E. Seler, 6 January, 1896, no. 1727."—Holotypus, GH!; clastotypus + photo, NY!
Notable in the series for few (2-4) pairs of ample, continuously comeous-marginate leaflets, those at tip of each pinna 3-8 cm long, for relatively large capitula, without filaments 6-8 mm diam., and for glabrous stipitate craspedia; in most other respects resembling and seemingly closely related to M. lactiflua.
Openings in woodland 450-1350 m, local in s.-e. Oaxaca (mun. Yuautepec and Tehuantepec) and interior w. Chiapas (mun. Tuxtla Gutiérrez), Mexico.
The type has obtuse leaflets, but several collections made by T. MacDougall in the municipio of Yuautepec have acuminate ones.