Mimosa nuda var. glaberrima

  • Title

    Mimosa nuda var. glaberrima

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa nuda var. glaberrima (Chodat & Hassl.) Barneby

  • Description

    328a. Mimosa nuda Bentham var. glaberrima (Chodat & Hassler) Barneby, comb. nov. M. velloziana var. glaberrima Chodat & Hassler, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 4: 486 (=P1. hassler. 400). 1904.—"[Paraguay:] ... in campis pr. Tobaty . . . [Hassler] n. 3550." —Holotypus, G!

    M. glaucescens Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 4:362.1841, nom. illeg.—"Rio Pardo [Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Riedel, commun.] Langsdorff." — Holotypus, Riedel 54, K (hb. Benth.)! = NY Neg. 1776.-Non M. glaucescens (Willdenow) Poiret, Encycl. méth. Suppl. 1: 61. 1810.

    M. velloziana var. genuina fma hispida Chodat & Hassler, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 4:486 (=P1. hassler. 400). 1904.—"[Paraguay:]... in campis pr. Pirebebuy. . . [Hassler] n. 6786."—Holotypus, G!

    M. velloziana var. malmeana Chodat & Hassler, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 4:487 (= Pl. hassler. 401). 1904.— "[Paraguay:]... in campis San Bernardino, [Hassler] n. 3778."—Holotypus, G!; isotypus, NY!

    M. velloziana var. malmeana fma acutifolia Chodat & Hassler, 1904, ll.cc.—"[Paraguay:].. . in arenosis pr. Valenzuela .. . [Hassler] n. 7041."—Holotypus, G!; isotypus, NY!

    M. velloziana var. atrostipulata Chodat & Hassler, 1904, ll.cc.—"[Paraguay:] ... in regione cursus superioris fluminis Apa . .. [Hassler] n. 8238."—Holotypus, G!; isotypus, NY!

    M. velloziana var. inermis Chodat & Hassler, 1904, ll.c.—"[Paraguay:]... in campis pr. San Estanislao, [Hassler] n. 4263."—Holotypus, G!; isotypus, NY! M. velloziana var. guaranitica Chodat & Hassler, 1904, ll.cc.—"[Paraguay:] ... in campis pr. flumen Capi- bary .. . [Hassler] n. 5921."—Holotypus, G!

    M. viscosa [lapsu pro rixosa] var. inermis Chodat & Hassler, 1904, ll.cc.—"[Paraguay:]... in campis pr. San Estanislao. . . [Hassler] n. 4263b."—Holotypus, G!

    M. viscosa [lapsu pro rixosa] var. inermis fma glabrifolia Chodat & Hassler, 1904, ll.cc.-"[Paraguay:] ... in regione fluminis Jejui-guazu . . . [Hassler] n. 5715 ... pr. Igatimi . .. n. 5531.’’-Lectotypus, Hassler 5715, G!; Syntypus, 5531, G!

    M. glaucescens sensu Bentham, 1875: 391, 1876: 307. M. rixosa sensu Burkart, 1948: 211, fig. 37; non Martius.

    M. obtusifolia sensu Burkart, 1948: 214, fig. 38; non Willdenow.

    Stems 5 dm or longer, either procumbent, or assurgent, or virgately erect, either aculeate or not; vesture of stems and lvs variable as described for the species, but the stipules and the corneous lft-margin always setose-ciliate and at least the replum of the pod, often both replum and valves, hispid-setose; lfts commonly obovate, sometimes oblanceolate, the longer ones at least 3 cm.

    In campo or cerrado, 300-1100 m, widespread over the Brazilian Planalto from s. Goiás (and Distrito Federal, where frequently collected) and immediately adj. Minas Gerais, w. through far n.-w. S. Paulo, e. and s. Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul to Paraguay and e. Bolivia, s. in Brazil through w. Paraná to Misiones and n. Corrientes in Argentina.—Fl. most freely XI-IV, sporadically thereafter, the fruits sometimes long persisting. Map 54.

    As here envisaged, var. glaberrima is a heterogeneous assemblage of minor variants that I have been unable to sort into smaller, more exactly defined units credibly correlated with dispersal. The nucleus of the variety consists of plants with assurgent stems and with leaflets girdled by a strong corneous margin bearing a single file of setae. Plants habitally similar but with weaker leaflet-rim bearing pluriseriate setae on back and sides pass gradually into M. debilis. Especially in Mato Grosso do Sul a virgately erect habit of growth, but associated with leaflets varying from broadly obovate to narrowly oblong-elliptic, suggests passage into vars. angusta and nuda. A form local in eastern Mato Grosso with narrowly obovate or oblance-elliptic leaflets leads into var. angusta.